25th Titanic: Occupation 1968

Documentary, Russia–Poland–Germany–Hungary–Bulgaria (5x26 min), 120 min, 2018
in Czech, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian, German, English with Hungarian subtitles

Show times:

Director: various

Director: Stephan Komandarev (Bulgária), Marie Elisa Scheidt (Németország), Dombrovszky Linda (Magyarország), Magdalena Szymkow (Lengyelország), Jevdokija Moszkovina / Evdokia Moskvina (Oroszország)

: Peter Kerekes, Martichka Bozhilova, Horváth-Szabó Ágnes, Filip Remunda, Vít Klusák, Stanislaw Zaborowsk, Daria Maślona

Titanic Dox

Five countries of Warsaw Pact occupied Czechoslovakia in August 1968. This documentary project about these events is a collective subjective look on the soldiers of “friendly” armies and their thoughts and impressions about Czechoslovak occupation and their tasks within it.

Felesleges hős / An Unnecessary Hero - Stephan Komandrev

Hangok az erdőben / Voices in the Forest - Marie Elisa Scheidt

Piros rózsa (Barátság és szerelem a megszállás idején) / Red Rose (Friendship and Love in the Time of Occupation) - Dombrovszky Linda

Katonafeleségek és kémek / Soldiers’ Wives & Spies - Magdalena Szymków

Ermakov tábornok utolsó küldetése / The last mission of General Ermakov - Jevdokija Moszkovina / Evdokia Moskvina

25th Titanic Festival programme

»Apr. 19. – Friday«
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Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia (12)

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Smoke Sauna Sisterhood (16)

TicketsCall Us14:00     Fábri terem

The New Toy (12)

TicketsCall Us15:45     Díszterem

All About the Levkoviches (12)

TicketsCall Us16:15     Csortos terem

Cocorico (12)

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Out of Season (12)

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Bolero (12)

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Pelikan Blue (16)

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About Dry Grasses (12)

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FILM/MUSIC: Johanna (18)

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Back to Black (16)

Hírlevél feliratkozás

Az Ismeretlen Uránia - kötet

Itáliai utazás 2023-24

Exhibition On Screen - 2023

kávézó_angol 290x

Uránia Aranykönyv

2024.04.19 20:00 - 21:30
FILM/MUSIC: Ennio Morricone
2024.04.20 16:00 - 18:45
2024.04.21 19:00 - 22:00
Italian Journey: Last Night of Amore
2024.04.22 19:00 - 21:30
FILM/MUSIC: On Body And Soul
2024.04.23 19:30 - 21:30
FILM/MUSIC: Films by Péter Forgács
2024.04.24 19:00 - 21:30
2024.04.27 19:00 - 21:40
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